Sunday, July 15, 2012

The graduation speech

Last week I studied English in Philippines for one week.
Today's entry of my blog is the graduation speech.

Here is my speech.

Good evening lady's and gentleman.
First of all,
I'd like to share that I celebrated my birthday and my wife's birthday here in Langrich.
I'd like to thank all the staff and students of Langrich for the warm welcome and for celebration with us.
And also I'd like to thank all the teachers for imparting their knowledge to me.
They inspired me to study English more.
So I promise to all my teacher that I will continue to learn English.

Let me introduce a little about myself.

I am just 42 years old.
I am an old person.
I have never studied abroad.
I have never lived in a foreign country.
I am just an ordinary middle-aged business man.
I don't need to use English at work.

Why do I study English?

Because of a simple reason :  Globalization !
The world becomes closer and closer.
I think in the near future it will be quite difficult for Japanese to live and work in Japan without English ability.
This is why I embrace English as if it's my nature language.

I am 42 years old.
Is it too late to study English?

Nooooooo !

I beg to disagree.
It's not too late.

Japanese average life expectancy is approximately 80 years old
So, I still have 40 more years.

So, young people, please lend me your ears.
Don't give up in studying English.
Never never give up to fulfill your dream.

Study hard !
Keep practing !

So, your dream will come true.

Thank you.
Da Ghang Salamat, Maayon Gabie.