Saturday, November 23, 2013

Three important things of public speech

I went to all Japan public speech contest of Toastmasters in Fukuoka last week.
I watched a lot of excellent speaker.

I noticed as one of listener that effective speakers have three things in common.

Vocal , Moving, and Confidence.

At first,  Vocal.
Their vocal is very strong and clear.
All audiences can enter the world of the speech.

Second, Moving.
They used whole stage.
Their speech becomes more impressive.

Third, Confidence.
This is the most important point I think.

All speakers have strong confidence.
Their strong confidence helped their message stronger.
We received their strong message directly.
We left an unforgettable, deep and powerful impression.
How to have the confidence?

I think that the answer is practice.

According to the book "The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs"
Even Steve Jobs who were called genius of presentation,
spent a lot of time of hard practice.
Hours and hours of practice made Jobs look polished, casual, and effortless.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

So Let's practice to be a good speaker.